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6th International Conference on
Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands

RMIT University
Melbourne, Australia
4-7 December 2023

Urban Heat Islands

The first International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (IC2UHI) was held in 2006 in Tokyo (Japan)  and since then it has been hosted at various locations,  in Berkeley (California), Venice (Italy),  Singapore and Hyderabad (India).


It is time to adopt an interdisciplinary framework considering the synergies between different disciplines such as energy, health, building, urban design, air quality and human studies.


The 6th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (6th IC2UHI), will be hosted in Melbourne, Australia and will be devoted to the science, design, engineering and public policies in relation to the interdisciplinary nature of effectively addressing urban heat island effects in our cities.


Scientists, academics, engineers, builders, architects, policy makers and government officials are invited to participate in 6th IC2UHI Conference to share their knowledge about activities that have been or will be undertaken to address urban heat islands.


The diverse range of themes in this conference will broaden the scope and knowledge on new approaches, findings and evidence around countermeasures to urban heat islands.

Modern Architecture


Cool Roof Rating Council

Past Conferences

02 - 04 December 2019

Hyderabad, India

Fourth IC2UHI

30 May - 04 June 2016



Third IC2UHI

13 - 15 October 2014
Venice, Italy



Second IC2UHI

21 - 23 September 2009
California, USA



First IC2UHI

August 2006
Tokyo, Japan

Register and
submit your paper

Submit your paper to UHI2023.

Please see the Key Dates page for the submission deadlines.

Register for UHI2023.

Early Bird ends 15 September 2023.

Full and partial registration categories are available.

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